[AMPS] SB-220

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Wed, 18 Jun 97 08:27:55 -0700

>       I just got me a good second hand Heathkit SB220, wow.!!!
>and I HATE to turn it on, because it all turns on at once.

The SB-220 was designed to be turned on this way--provided that the HV is 
initially set to the low-tap.  . 
>The Filaments and the HT all together, those poor 3500z dont know whats
>hitting them
>when I throw the on switch.

  The measured 3-500Z filament inrush current in a SB-220 is about 60% 
higher than the normal filament current.  Eimac says that the limit 1s 
>Has anyone some info on the hows and why's of this amp please, or should I 
>Mod's for it, especially a STAND/BY Switch.
A standby switch offers no protection against anything, David.  
-  An article about the SB-220 appears in the 11/90 and 12/90 issues of 
QST magazine.  A high speed switching circuit that is suitable for 
updating the SB-220 appears in the "The Nearly Perfect Amplifier", in the 
1/94 issue of QST.  

R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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