[AMPS] re failures

Joe Subich, W8IK W8IK@IBM.NET
Thu, 19 Jun 1997 19:48:29 -0400

At 07:04 AM 6/19/97 -0700, Rich wrote:
>Oops, 'rheostat' + 'filament V' is a major faux pas, Peter.  During the 
>grate vhf parasitics debate, the Rauchian Camp, repeatedly asserted that 
>rheostats should NOT be used to allow fine adjustment of the filament V.  
>If you guessed that none of Mr. Rauch's Ameritron/MFJ amplifier designs 
>use rheostats, congrats.  

Enough of the personal attacks and snide remarks ... 

Can you point to any commercially available AMATEUR amplifier in general 
release (something that sells more than a hand full of copies a year)
that uses a rehostat to control the filament voltage?  

Rheostats and other lilly guilding may be fine in your, one off, hand 
built projects but you have no right to continually cast stones at 
Ameritron for building competetive, quality products, particularly 
when they are making the same trade off as the other amateur (and *MOST* 
broadcast transmitter) manufacturers. 

Stick to the amplifier technology and STOP with the personal attack 
garbage.  Your personal web page and QST articles are not the end all 
and be all amplifier information.  Contribute to the discussion, if 
you will, but keep in on a "professional" level and leave the BS in 



    ... Joe Subich, W8IK  ex-AD8I



    ... Joe Subich, W8IK  ex-AD8I

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