[AMPS] SB220

Bob Alexander realex@flash.net
Thu, 19 Jun 1997 21:02:15 -0500

I currently own two SB220s, one of which I bought in 1982.  When I
purchased it, it had a standy switch, step start in the power supply,
filament step start, and an open .82 ohm resistor.  My repairs
consisted of removing all the step start garbage, replacing the
resistor , removing the 200 pf caps and rf chokes from the grids and
directly grounding them, and getting rid of the standby switch ( I 
even filled the hole in the front panal and touched up the paint).

Four or five years later the fan got noisy so I replaced it with a
220 VAC fan that fills the cut-out for the fan and installed a 24 VAC
transformer as an auto transformer to knock the 220 down to around 180
The result is a fan that is quieter than the original while  pushing

Now, after 15 years of operation it is on my workbench with the 
covers off so I can repair the on/off switch...it has been turned on
and off so many times the switch finally gave up.  I plan to use the
cw/tune - ssb switch as a replacement...it has not been moved from the
voltage position since the day I started using the amp.  Guess I can
fill that
hole up too.

Since the covers are off, I cant help but see the diode board.  All
those diodes
in a string bother me for some reason, and I do have some diode modules
"Siicon Alley".

73, Bob, W5AH

P.S. Measured RF output on 10 meters is still over 1000 watts with the
tubes...1200 on 80 meters.

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