[AMPS] HF-2500 amp

morel morel@shani.net
Sat, 21 Jun 1997 09:20:10 +-300

HF-2500 has a pair of original Eimac 3CX800A7 at 2250Vdc.
The transformer is a heavy duty hypersil and the rectifier is 
a voltage doubler. The output filter is a kind of PI-L. All the RF
components are good quality conservative heavy duty. The
input filters are T configuration switched by relays The bandswitch
is the biggest I saw in an amplifier. The new models have grid trip
protection circuit and for the old ones an upgrade kit is available.
The QSK circuit has a vacuum relay and can be factory instaled
The output power is 1500W continous, mine being able to deliver
up to 2200w key down effortless, quiet and cool with less than 80w
drive. I'm usually working at 1.2kw PEP with about 40w drive. The
cooling system is overdesigned and  beeing used on export three
tubes model.
The split HV capacitor and load capacitor have smooth vernier drive.      
The amplifier is very reliable and worked with no problems almost
three years. The only minor problem was a cold soldered HV diode
in the power supply when I received the amp. The re-soldering take
5 seconds but dis-assembly and re-assembly of the whole amp takes
me about one hour, hi, hi ! 
The price is in the $3.3k area with the QSK option included. Check
their WEB-site for the price list and you can see the inside/outside
amp colour photos and all the tech specs.

Please let me know if you need more info.

73 de Morel, 4X1AD
From: 	wa2moe[SMTP:wa2moe@doitnow.com]
Sent: 	uau 21 ea?e 1997 04:50
To: 	amps@contesting.com
Subject: 	[AMPS] HF-2500 amp

has anyone user knowlege of the  Commander HF-2500 amp from Command
Technologies in Bryan, Ohio?  Tube(s), power, reliability and cost.  Tnx

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