[AMPS] Re: dimmers

k7on@qsl.net shortckt@primenet.com
Sun, 22 Jun 1997 22:26:40 +0100

I'm no power guru, but I do know that one of our rental properties
had electrical problems and frequent light bulb failures...

Cutting to the chase, the "NEUTRAL" wire coming in from the utility
company was loose and caused voltage fluctations depending on the
load on each side.

Make sense? I'm summarizing, but we also had an electrical fire at
another property and I've learned a lot of common sense things about 
this topic...

I'm not proud, I hire a Licensed Electrician to inspect breakers, 
tighten connections, and put an anti-oxidant on aluminum wires 
used here in the middle of hell for AC units.

Just my $0.02


>> When I bought this house in 1992, I thought I'd be smart and put
>> dimmer switches in the bedroom, kitchen and hamshack.  That way, I'd
>> never hit the light bulbs with the max surge but rather a nice easy up
>> and down each time.  Result?  No difference.  I still go through light
>> bulbs like popcorn.  No one is more surprised than me.

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