[AMPS] regulators
Rich Measures
Fri, 27 Jun 97 09:30:09 -0700
>>>I looked up the 723, and the maximum suggested resistors are 10K. ...
>>I looked at the National Semiconductor data sheets for the 723. I saw
>>no such suggestion.
>> - From practical experience, I know that it often takes a series R of
>>more than 10k in series with the sampled input to make a 723 resistant
>>high RF fields.
>> - Rich -
>You'll find the resistor values in very small type
For the Positive Floating Regulator circuit (Fig.7) that I use, there is
no such note.
- The circuit on my Web site has satisfactory load regulation, is
virtually RF-proof, and does not appear to drift on a 3 1/2 digit Fluke
- Rich -
R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K
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