[AMPS] 4CX1600B
Gary Schwartz
Wed, 5 Mar 1997 23:01:31 -0600 (CST)
On Thu, 6 Mar 1997, Gerard Jendraszkiewicz wrote:
> Hello Everyone !
> Has anyone used the Russian 4CX1600B for Amateur radio ? Are there any
> plans for making an all band amplifier 160-10M with this tube ?? Or
> would a pair of 3CX800's be better ? Any help would be appreciated !
> Thanks, Jerry KE9I
The biggest problem that I see with the Svetlana 4CX1600 tube is that
Svetlana is the only company that makes it. If Svetlana goes out of
business or stops manufacturing this tube, you are kinda hosed.
Of course, with many of the other manufacturers getting out of the high
power tube business ( ie Eimac no longer makes the 3-500Z ) the above may
become a way of life.......
Gary K9GS
/ K9GS |______________________________
/ FP/K9GS, TO5M |Society of Midwest Contesters |____________________
( | garyk9gs@solaria.sol.net |Secretary/Treasurer/
\ Gary Schwartz | K9GS@WA9KEC.WI.USA.NOAM | Greater Milwaukee/
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