[AMPS] Building 811A Amp

Tom Rauch (W8JI) w8jitom@worldnet.att.net
Wed, 05 Mar 1997 20:13:31 -0500

Kevin S. Mahler wrote:
> I have most of the parts to an 811A amp.  I think it once worked as a
> monoband amp.  My goal is to turn it into a multiband amp covering 80 -
> 10.  Where can I find a band switch?  Inductor?

I have some good used ones for free.

> I also need a good source for 811A's RF Parts wants $79 for a matched
> set of 4.  I hear that is high.  This is my first attempt at a project
> like this so any helpful hints would be appreciated.

They do not need to be matched. Two days after you start using them,
they won't be matched any more anyway. These isn't a push pull class A
audio system or instrumentation application.

811's should cost about 15 bucks or so.

73 Tom

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