[AMPS] amp tuning, SWR tolerance, and processing vs grid current

T. A. Russell n4kg@juno.com
Thu, 06 Mar 1997 21:11:35 EST

Re:  Amplifier Tuning

Most contesters use presets (lines on a piece of paper behind the 
tuning knobs) and don't bother to tweek the last watt out of their 
amplifiers when they change bands or move around within a band.

As long as nothing melts and nothing arcs (and grid drive is not
exceeded), there is no harm done.

One of my pet peeves is to listen to someone go through a long 
full carrier tune-up (especially on top of a DX station frequency 
right after being spotted on packet)!   Amplifier tuning into your
same antennas should be the same time after time after time.
With presets, little or no tweeking should be necessary.

de Tom - N4KG


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