[AMPS] Alpha 374A (more)
K7BG Matt Trott
Tue, 11 Mar 1997 23:58:46 -0700 (MST)
Thanks for the replies re my 374A tripping out within seconds after turn on.
Just got back from a road trip so just read my mail.
I pulled both tubes and it didn't change it's behavior one bit. I thus
conclude that it is not a tube problem. Dave (N7UE) suggested a bad ceramic
resistor. Near as I can tell this would be R4 on the schematic, which is a
12W 10K resistor. It's the short green one right in front of the Xfrmr. It
appears to be plumb open on my old trusty VOM. I will replace it (I doubt if
I can find one local so prolly haveta order one from Alpha) and see what
Thanks again to all and thanks Dave for pointing me in that direction, I
think that just may be it.
Matt (QRP for now) K7BG
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