[AMPS] Heathkit SB-1000

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Fri, 28 Mar 97 11:03:42 -0800

Subject:     Re: [AMPS] Heathkit SB-1000
Sent:        3/28/1997 6:34 AM
To:          Jay E Ostrem, wc7m@vcn.com

>Subject:     Re: [AMPS] Heathkit SB-1000
>Sent:        3/27/1997 6:15 PM
>Received:    3/28/1997 2:37 AM
>From:        Jay E Ostrem, wc7m@vcn.com
>To:          Rich Measures, measures@vc.net
>Dear Rich,  Just wanted you to know,  I was one of the lemmings that fell
>for the tar and feathering QST subjected you to. 
Lots of other people believed QST's "6 Respondants" (Telewski, Rauch, 
Brandon, et cetera) in the 9/94 issue simply because QST has 
remnant-credibility from the days when George Grammer, W1DF, and a few 
dedicated others, tried their level best to keep technoblather out of QST 
magazine.   IMO, in the long run, the tar and feathers did not adhere as 
well to the intended recipient as it did to the hands of the tar and 
feather crew. 
 When I got wind that trouble was brewing in early 1994, I sent a letter 
to QST Editor Mark Wilson.  In this letter I told Mark that the VHF 
parasitic-xuppressor controversy could be resolved by testing the two 
basic types of VHF suppressors with equipment that was available in the 
ARRL Lab.   Mark chose not test.  Three years later, Wes, N7WS, did.  It 
took 70 years to confirm that F. E. Handy was right in the 1926 Handbook. 
>I looked at your Web page, and saw pictures and descriptions of broken parts
>in my amp.
Alas, it happens too often--and needlessly so.  
>I have corresponded with, and read postings by Tom Rausch.  
>I find him
>rather pompous and a bore.  
------especially when smokescreening a technoblunder.  A number of hams 
who use the Internet informed me via e-mail that they are intimidated by 
>Some of his suggestions were contrary to good
>practice,and rather unresearched.  I tried them and ended up wasting money.  
 Tom shines in some areas---and shines people on in others.  I believe 
he's probably beginning to realize that some of the statements he made in 
QST (9/94) are his albatross.  

R. L. Measures,ag6k,805-386-3734    

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