[AMPS] Re: AG6K's comments abt 811 failure
Rich Measures
Mon, 5 May 97 23:13:39 -0800
>What is Rp??
Rp is the parallel equivalent of a series circuit.
> Normally when ones talks about voltage gain for a triode it is:
> MU*Rl/(Rl+Rp)
>A VHF suppressor is not in parallel with the plate circuit but in series.
Every series circuit has a parallel equivalent. Every parallel circuit
has a series equivalent. Rp fits into the voltage amplification
>The question as I see it is that if the lead to the Pi, or Pi-L produces hi
>vhf gain you must raise its impedance at VHF. This the normal vhf choke
>over a resistor does.
I disagree. The anode's VHF self-resonant circuit has a high Rp unless a
VHF suppressor is used. Less VHF-Rp equals less VHF voltage
amplification. The purpose of the VHF suppressor is to reduce VHF
voltage amplification.
>Adding resistance wire lowers the performance on the
>low bands as it does at VHF. What am I missing?
During the VHF parasitics debate, the naysayers often said that
suppressors made from resistance-wire would have a disastrous effect on
10m harmonics. According to Wes' (N7WS) measurements, the
resistance-wire suppressor exhibited 4.32 ohms of ESR at 30MHz. The
output Z of the tube was about 4000 ohms, and the reactance of the anode
C was about 1100 ohms. Is 4.32 ohms comparitively significant? I
repeatedly asked the naysayers to prove their allegations with
calculations. None did. Perhaps you could enlighten us, Jerry?
[note---Wes made no measurement of the W8JI-suppressor's ESR at 30MHz.].
As the donnybrook continued, one "expert"/naysayer expanded the alleged
disastrous effect to include everything down to 160m. Move over,
Chicken Little.
> A final note. Read the articles in QST etc. Didn't believe then and don't
However, I'm betting lunch at the Somis Cafe that you believed every word
in the September 1994 QST's Technical Correspondence column, Jerry..
> 73 de NO2T Jerry
R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K
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