[AMPS] Collins 30S-1 instability

bipi@worldnet.att.net bipi@worldnet.att.net
Fri, 16 May 1997 17:01:47 -0700

Skip wrote:
> [snip]
> >Apparently, Collins didn't think so.  I have never heard of an
> >instability problem with the Collins 30S-1 amplifier, and the grid is RF
> >coupled directly to the cathode.
> Wrong!  Anyone who had tried to purchase Collins equipment, knows about
> the price instability problem. The 30S-1 has a parasitic greed problem
> traced back to days of old. This instability problem is not limited to
> the 30S-1 and extends to most Collins equipment.
> There is no known fix as of this date
> 73's
> skip
> --
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You can buy a 30S1 for less than $2000 (on the high end) if you can find 
someone who will part with it, which is much less than the tinny stuff 
being offered at much higher prices today!  It will compete with 
anything out there at legal limit.  I wouldn't trade mine for anything 
being produced today.  It is a great amp..

73 de Mike

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