[AMPS] Re: Hunter 2000C

Kenneth D. Grimm grimm@alison.sbc.edu
Sat, 17 May 1997 10:10:34 -0400

km1h@juno.com wrote:
> On Wed, 14 May 1997 23:45:17 -0400 "Kevin Erickson" <kevine@Capital.Net>
> writes:
> >Hello,
> >
> >I was recently given a Hunter Bandit 200C hf amp.  I am fairly new in
> >the
> >hobby and don't have much expierence with amps.  <snip>

> > Lastly if anyone has any tips about this amp.
> >
> >tnx
> >kevin
> >km2e

> That amp is roughly 1967 era Kevin.
> I do not have a manual for that amp and would be willing to pay for a
> copy so that I may add it to my collection.
> 73....Carl  KM1H

Kevin & Carl,

You can get a copy of the manual for the Hunter Bandit, and thousands of
other pieces of ham gear, from the following source:

Hope this helps you both out.

Ken K4XL

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