km1h: Re: [AMPS] suppression

Rich Measures
Sat, 24 May 97 09:47:59 -0700

>Must be getting senile, time to join the 160M SSB crowd!. Anyway this was
>meant for the list...not just Tom.  I keep forgetting you wise
>Cheers...Carl  KM1H
>I really have not seen any personal flaming Tom. Maybe if someone uses
>your name  in the same paragraph that he disagrees with you, you consider
>that a personal attack. 

Verily, Carl.  During the parasitics debate, I checked out the CV of the 
alleged "R+D Engineering Manager" who supposedly found numerous technical 
errata in my QST magazine articles.  Mr. Rauch took my disclosure that 
the CV did not check out as a personal attack.   

>What I do see here is a healthy and spirited discussion. What I also see
>here is at least one person that ever refuses to admit even the thought
>of a mistake. 

Amen.   A prime example is Mr. Rauch's opinions on grid-resonance.  He 
stated that raising the grid resonant frequency decreases the likelihood 
of a vhf parasitic oscillation.  I agree.   Mr. Rauch also stated that 
the highest grid resonant frequency is achieved by grounding the grid 
directly with wide copper strap/foil.  However, it doesn't take an 
amplifier genius to figure out that some of a tube's internal-connection 
L (between the grid and the socket) can be cancelled by capacitive 
reactance.  This is what Collins Radio did in the 30L-1--the grid being 
grounded by a 220pF C in parallel with a 30 ohm R.  A dipmeter confirms 
the technique, proving to my satisfaction that Mr. Rauch's statement 
doesn't wash.  When I pointed the dipmeter-findings out during the 
parasitics debate, Mr. Rauch decreed that dipmeters were essentially 
worthless for finding true resonances.  

>What I do see is one person that appears to not want to
>answer many pointed questions. 
---such as
1.  Why did you cancel your 28 November post?
2.  Who is "Mr. XXX" with the bogus Eimac e-mail address?
3.  Where is the promised letter from Eimac that allegedly straightens 
out the CV discrepancy with the  "R+D Engineering Manager"?
4.  You said that Mr. Miklos would be here in January.  What happened?
5.  Why can't standard AC Circuit Analysis be used to analyze a Ls/Rs vhf 
6.. Why won't Mr. Rauch discuss the ideas of Mr. F. E. Handy?  
On and boringly on..........

>If this person wants to set himself up as
>the appointed expert here it would seem that these continuing
>oversights/lapses are deliberate. 
-----hear, hear
>Meanwhile I will continue to use my lossy material to stop them pesky
>parasitic critters in their tracks as I have for 30 years. I suspect Rich
>will continue with his method also since no one has yet made any
>meaningful attempt to prove us wrong....or right as the case may be.   
>Lots of talk, yes, but zero hard proof. 

Let's say we want to build a VHF-dampening circuit.  Does it make more 
sense to use silver or to use resistance-wire?  

 Disproof appears to have unwantingly come from within the Rauchian camp. 
  Wes' measurements revealed that conventional (W8JI) suppressors 
increased VHF-Rp about 65% compared to 1926-vintage resistance-wire 
suppressors.  At first Mr. Rauch tried to ignore Wes' measurements.  Now 
Mr. Rauch is trying to sell us on the idea that VHF amplification is 
proportional to 1/VHF-Rp. ........... Shades of 'Dr. Kimberly' (rip) on 
"Melrose Place"?
 To me, Carl, the most amazing thing is that, when he mysteriously 
cancelled his Nov. 28 post, our "expert" almost certainly realized that 
his theories on vhf suppression didn't wash.  Yet he continues.  ........ 
 And OJ continues to claim he's innocent.   

>I also notice that none of those "experts" have followed up on my offer
>for a full spec sheet on the material.....maybe they already know
>everything about everything. 

I am beginning to doubt that there are Eimac Technical Bulletins on vhf 
parasitics.  The promised 'letter from Eimac, that allegely corrected the 
CV misunderstanding with the 
"R*D Engineering Manager", never materialized.  IMO, it's called playing 
for time.  It didn't work for Tricky Dick.  
>73...Carl   KM1H   and the beat goes on

Most the beating seems to be self-inflicted.  

R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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