[AMPS] Re: skin depth suppression
Rich Measures
Sat, 24 May 97 12:03:04 -0700
>>Date: Sat, 24 May 1997 13:15:23 -0500
>>To: Rich Measures <measures@vc.net>
>>From: Phil Clements <philk5pc@connect.net>
>>Subject: Re: [AMPS] Re: skin depth suppression
>At 09:48 AM 5/24/97 -0700, you wrote:
>>..... ..... ... Wes' scientific measurements of 3-500Z suppressors indicated
>> that a adding a few ohms of ESR in Ls lowered the VHF-Rp of the DUT from
>>166-ohms to 101 ohms...
>But alas..Wes blew off the significance of the 65 ohm drop; discounting it
>as "not a dime's worth of difference."
True. However, Wes' comment about the likely licking duties of my
secretary appeared to discount Wes' evaluation by about two cents. . . .
OTOH, if Mr. Rauch turns out to be right about VHF voltage-amplification
being INVERSELY proportional to VHF-Rp, then 166-ohms of Rp IS
substantively better than 101 ohms of Rp, which means that both Wes AND
Rich will be absolutely, positively WRONG.
>Phil, K5PC
R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K
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