[AMPS] Improvements to L-4B PS?
Dick Flanagan
Mon, 26 May 1997 13:28:10 -0700
>IMO, Dick, raising the anode supply to 4kV will increase RF output by
>about 2db and decrease the amount of drive power needed to produce 0.8A
>of anode current. .Is 2db worth the effort?
I am interested more in increased reliability than in increased output.
For example, would 1N5408's be a good replacement for the original diodes,
>Another useful mod would be high speed T/R switching.
I have obtained an Ameritron QSK-5 in the hope of satisfying this
particular need.
Thanks for the comments. They're appreciated.
73, Dick
Dick Flanagan W6OLD CFII Minden, Nevada
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