[AMPS] Re: skin depth suppression

w8jitom@postoffice.worldnet.att.net w8jitom@postoffice.worldnet.att.net
Tue, 27 May 1997 09:13:05 +0000

> The best systems minimize loss at HF by INCREASING the slope of 
>  resistance change with frequency, and parking maximum suppressor Rp 
>  on the undesired frequency.
>  73, Tom W8JI 
>   >>
> Am I the only one that caught this Rich...Carl...Phil ???  Am I missing
> something or what...I thought this was the whole point to using nicrome over
> silver plated strap ??
> Amazing !!

Yes Terry, you (and others) are missing a whole bunch. Nearly all the 

Plating over a GOOD conductor INCREASES the slope.

Using a uniform conductivity to the core POOR conductor DECREASES the 
slope. Remember my carbon comp resistor example?? It is a POOR 
conductor, and so has the same loss on DC as at very high 

If you want the best VHF suppressor, use a system that has INCREASED 
slope. Not DECREASED slope. Remember my example of silver plated 
conductors having little effect at HF??

Use a resistive material only in the primary VHF path, like Henry did 
(by putting a lossy plating over a GOOD conductor). Using a SOLID 
lossy conductor decreases the slope, that's not desirable.

73, Tom W8JI 

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