[AMPS] Diodes
Wed, 28 May 1997 22:28:48 EDT
On Wed, 28 May 97 16:07:12 CDT Herb Blair <hblair@spdhw.dsccc.com>
. Never had a failure, if the diodes were good to start
A very key point which you barely touched upon Herb. Who determined
"good" anyway, you ; the engineers or the purchasing department?
>There is a trade secret to potting the diodes and keep the
>epoxy from pulling them appart. K2AW has excellent assemblies.
K2AW has no assemblies Herb....you totally missed the point. Those are
nothing but Taiwan, etc made microwave oven diodes and I am truly sorry
to see that you believe in such advertising that says otherwise. P.T.
Barnum was right after all.
>Third is capacitance across diode assembles. It is not needed
>as the capacitance of the epoxy is distribuited along a string.
I wont even comment on that one...just another example of ancient
73...Carl KM1H
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