[AMPS] Experience with K2AW rectifiers anyone?

w8jitom@postoffice.worldnet.att.net w8jitom@postoffice.worldnet.att.net
Thu, 29 May 1997 08:09:15 +0000

> Can someone verify that the K2AW blocks were
> made for Microve ovens? If so why dont they build up the strings of
> diodes and save the money if its the way to go. I must admit I never
> seen nothing but blocks used in the ovens. WHy??
> Ron W4WA

Hi Ron, I had a long talk with K2AW years ago, when he was trying to 
get me to use block rectifiers in power supplies.

At that time, he told me the diodes were simply conventional 
rectifiers that were "matched" and then potted.

I have no idea what "matched" means, nor did I care. The added cost 
was nowhere worth the savings in labor or the price of a PC board.  
As a matter of fact, an assembled 5 kV PIV per leg bridge with 
hand matched bypass caps was less than the price of one potted 
rectifier, and that included direct and indirect labor.

I think the rectifiers look pretty and make a one-off project much 
nicer, but they make little sense in a production environment.

73, Tom W8JI 

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