[AMPS] New Svetlana 3CX800A7 tube

John Lane lane@glerl.noaa.gov
Mon, 3 Nov 1997 07:14:17 -0500

The Svetlana 4CX400 and 4CX800's that I use are excellent.  Why should the
3CX800 be different?

>At 1:52 PM -0500 10/31/97, morel wrote:
>>Today I received the #97-10 RF Parts catalog and I saw there
>>that they are selling Svetlana new  3CX800A7 tube.
>>I'm looking for a spare pair of 3CX800A7 tubes for my Command
>>HF-2500 amplifier and I'll appreciate any feedback on the new tube
>>73 de Morel, 4X1AD
>Check with Pat Stein at Command Technologies.
>He'll tell you what he thinks of Svetlanas in his amps...his advice is to
>use Eimacs.
>73, Rob
>Robin Ludlow, VE3YE, Editor, The Canadian Amateur
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