[AMPS] 3CX800A7

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Mon, 3 Nov 97 17:19:20 -0800

>At 09:42 AM 11/3/97 +0200, you wrote:
>> By the way what's the 3-600Z status ?
>Last week I drove down to RFP to pickup some vacuum relays and inquiried
>about the 3-600Z. I spoke with a sales rep that said Svetlana was having
>developement problems and not to expect anything until the first of the
>year at the earliest. 
RE:   the proposed 3-600Z:   The 3-400Z came out first.  Then came the 
3-500Z.  However, the filaments are identical (5v. 14.5a), as are the 
emissive capabilities.  Thus, there is no difference in the max. SSB PEP 
of a 3-400Z and a 3-500Z.  Since it seems virtually certain that a 3-600Z 
will use the same 5v. 14.5a  filament as the other two versions, the SSB 
PEP capability of the three will be identical.   .  .  If you are running 
a 3-500Z and you need more suds, you don't need a 600w tube, you need a 
600w filament transformer.

R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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