Roderick M. Fitz-Randolph w5hvv@aeneas.net
Thu, 6 Nov 1997 10:18:11 -0600

>It is so sad to see shameless, blatant, and purly commercial SPAM on
>this list.
>Please, don't do this again.
>Thank you.
>Dan Gannon, WA5ANF
Shameless?  Blatant?  What's to be ashamed of?  Excuse me, but what's
the difference between Dick Ehrhorn's message and any of the "I have
this near mint condx amp for sale" sort of message that is put on the
reflector by other hams?  Personally, I think Dick's message was of
some considerable interest to a number of the hams that subscribe to
this list and see nothing wrong with it!  What say others?

Rod, N5HV

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