Rich Measures
Thu, 6 Nov 97 11:16:26 -0800
>> Speak for yourself, Dan. It's list-related, timely and useful. I
>> don't mind it a bit. I only wish it had been a couple of months
>> earlier -- I could have saved $200 on my 91B!
>> 73, Bill W7TI
>Hi Bill,
>I had no idea it was OK to advertise or do commercial marketing
>on this list. I'll tell Ameritron, Command, and QRO the policy has
>now been changed, and to get some wonderful ads ready for all of us
>to enjoy!
>I remember well when KB8VU form QRO was openly flamed for posting
>something similar, and no one defended Ray. What's fair for one guy,
>is certainly fair for the other.
>IMO, it's poor manners and thoughtless for ANY business to spam lists
>or newsgroups.
If the info being presented is of interest to some of the people on this
mailing-list, it is not "spam", Mr. Rauch. However, an ad that goes
too far, is quite likely to be an unadvertisement.
R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K
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