[AMPS] : Alpha Power sunspot

morel morel@shani.net
Fri, 7 Nov 1997 08:10:29 +-200


The right to define the list policy is belong to list owner who pays for.
I didn't see until now limitations on freedom of speech on this
list and we saw already some very controversial issues and bad

I personally don't see anything wrong in posting interesting 
issues as far are related to AMPS. I beleive that any input
from manufacturers or dealers is useful for all of us. I would like
to see more. Also, sharing with others the experience or 
interesting news who can save money to the list subscribers,
is more than welcome. 

The only problem is ( in my opinion ) if the list owner is ready
to pay for BW of some kind of advertising. But this is only his

73 de Morel, 4X1AD 

From: 	Sandy Meltzer[SMTP:sandy@sandy.com]
Sent: 	eai cieue 06 ?aaiao 1997 21:13
To: 	amps@contesting.com
Subject: 	[AMPS] An open response to Tom, W8JI

Hello all,

First, I like to apologize to everyone on this mailing list if the two
Alpha ads I posted yesterday were inappropriate.  As a new recipient of
this list, I didn't see any policy information from the "owner" of this
list, Bill Fisher - W4AN except the following information from the "Welcome
to amps" message I initially received:

     Welcome to the RF Amplifier Mail Reflector
     This reflector is devoted to the discussion of RF amplifiers.

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