[AMPS] failures

Steve Harrison ko0u@os.com
Sat, 08 Nov 1997 14:11:05 +0000

At 08:38 AM 11/08/97 +0000, W8JI wrote:


>Rich, although being blessed with a silver tongue,  is unfortunately 
>an example of Pathological tunnel vision  science at its very 
>worse. I'm sure he honestly believes in what he says, unfortunately 
>it is 99% nonsense.

Frankly, I could care less whose THEORY is right so long as somebody has a
CURE for the problems which the contrasting theories attempt to explain.

Mr. Measures' "cures" work; nobody else has yet come up with any better
explanation of WHY they work, much less any better "cure". I think I'll go
along with what works, no matter how "silver-tongued" Mr. Measures might
sound, thank you very much, Mr. Rauch.

Let's knock off the vitriolic personal attacks, please, people...or you'll
be assigned to stand in the corner facing the walls for the next few contests.

Geez...this reminds me of the medicine man versus the shalaman.

73, Steve Ko0U/1

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