[AMPS] Re-built metalo-ceramic tubes

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Sun, 9 Nov 97 04:37:44 -0800

>As far I know, the US companies who rebuilt metalo-ceramic 
>tubes, are doing this with only high-power models. 
As I understand it: only thoriated tungsten type power grid tubes are 
rebuildable. .  .  The smallest tube that is currently being rebuilt is 
the 3cx1000A7.  
>I would like to know if there are technological problems
>with relative low power tubes ( like 3CX800, 3CX1500...)
Oxide cathode power grid tubes are typically not feasable to rebuild.  
>or the reason is the re-built price versus new price ratio ?
The rebuilt price is around half of the new price.  However, it is much 
cheaper to buy a new Svetlana tube in Europe than it is to have a tired  
tube rebuilt in the U.S. by Econco Broadcast Services.    

R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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