[AMPS] Nichrome or Globar

km1h @ juno.com km1h@juno.com
Tue, 11 Nov 1997 11:26:53 EST

On Mon, 10 Nov 97 22:32:50 -0800 Rich Measures <measures@vc.net> writes:


>-  The subject of the debate was VHF suppression in HF amplifiers, 
>6M amplifiers is a different subject because the anode-resonant 
>IS the tank circuit. 

Your "debate" maybe Rich. 
The "subject" is of interest to many. 

The 6M amps I build use a regular Pi-Network, same as an HF amp. The only
difference is that more of the Tune C is in the tube than at 10M.
Since the parasitic frequencies of the 572B is close to 6M it becomes
harder to suppress without excessive loss in the suppressor.

 In an HF amplifier, this is not the case, and 
>therein lies the problem.  "Best ever" means what?  Is 'best ever' 
>than 'totally rad'? 

Best ever that I have tried and not fried. And as I said the idea was
used on an HF 5KW amp back at National Radio. Since the engineers knew
enough to use it they must have had references to consult.......  Handy

73   Carl  KM1H

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