[AMPS] Nichrome or Globar
km1h @ juno.com
Tue, 11 Nov 1997 16:17:09 EST
On Tue, 11 Nov 97 08:44:09 -0800 Rich Measures <measures@vc.net> writes:
>>> To: amps@contesting.com
>>> The engineers...I was just a tech... finally wound up using a
>>> coil made from a material similar to the Mu-Metal used in CRT
>>> Fast foreward to 1997.... I use that material in my own suppressors
>>> find it the best ever material to tame even 572B's on 6M.
>>> I have offered the "experts" the info...no strings attached...but
>>> know what? Not one has asked for the info......I wonder why ??
>>> problems IMO...also known as " not invented here".
>>I don't recall that offer Carl, I'd be happy to receive a copy of
>>the engineering data.
>Since Mr. Rauch is indeed one of the "experts", he is undoubtedly
>qualified to receive said data.
Except I'm not qualified to release it. "I arent an Injuneer" so I
have no data.
Cheers Carl
>R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K
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