[AMPS] LK800A Opinions Sought

km1h @ juno.com km1h@juno.com
Wed, 12 Nov 1997 09:16:19 EST

On Wed, 12 Nov 1997 08:25:21 -0500 nlg@NJ0117mta01.wh.lucent.com writes:
>I have an opportunity to buy an Amp Supply LK-800A.
>I am seeking opinions on these units from those in the know.
> Thanks in advance.

There were several flavors produced, all under the same model number. The
latest production units had the "Amp International" name on the panel and
were very good performers. 

Early versions can be  upgraded if necessary or not already done:
Better cooling
Better 160M padding caps
Two Speed Blower
Correct 80M coil tap
12M switch position
Automatic temperature sensor
Ferrites inside the amp for the power cables 

In good condx 2500-3000W at 100-120W of drive is normal. 

GL   Carl   KM1H

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