[AMPS] Alpha 87A Owners! - I want to hear from you!!

Herb Rosenberg herbr@netcom.com
Sat, 15 Nov 1997 19:51:49 -0800 (PST)

Following my recent posting here for the "Best HF Amplifier", I received 
a number of responses from people.  My original posting indicated that I 
was leaning towards buying an Alpha 87A, but wanted to get the opinions of 
the guys on the reflector as to what currently is considered to be the 

I received several responses from guys suggesting other amps, with the
majority, interestingly enough, recommmending the Command Technologies
HF-2500.  A few of you suggested other amplifiers, from homebrew to Henry,
and a few Alpha owners responded.  Most were favorable, but a few said
they had tried the Alpha, and went to another, for various different 
reasons.  Is this because of the 30 day unconditional guarantee??? 

I want to hear for you die hard Alpha 87A guys out there.  Especially
anyone that has purchased an Alpha 87A in the last year.  Are you happy
with the amp?  Did you have any problems with it?  Is their quality
control as good now that the company has new ownership?  Are there any 
quirks to the unit?  Tell me the good, the bad, etc. 

I know that there are alot of Alpha guys out there.  Let me hear from 
you.  Your comments and opinions are greatly appreciated.


Herb - KG6OK


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