[AMPS] Alpha 87A Owners! - I want to hear from you!!

( Sante ) IK0HBN ik0hbn@isa.it
Sun, 16 Nov 1997 08:38:21 +0100

At 19.51 15/11/97 -0800, you wrote:
>Following my recent posting here for the "Best HF Amplifier", I received 
>a number of responses from people.  My original posting indicated that I 
>was leaning towards buying an Alpha 87A, but wanted to get the opinions of 
>the guys on the reflector as to what currently is considered to be the 
>I received several responses from guys suggesting other amps, with the
>majority, interestingly enough, recommmending the Command Technologies
>HF-2500.  A few of you suggested other amplifiers, from homebrew to Henry,
>and a few Alpha owners responded.  Most were favorable, but a few said
>they had tried the Alpha, and went to another, for various different 
>reasons.  Is this because of the 30 day unconditional guarantee??? 
>I want to hear for you die hard Alpha 87A guys out there.  Especially
>anyone that has purchased an Alpha 87A in the last year.  Are you happy
>with the amp?  Did you have any problems with it?  Is their quality
>control as good now that the company has new ownership?  Are there any 
>quirks to the unit?  Tell me the good, the bad, etc. 
>I know that there are alot of Alpha guys out there.  Let me hear from 
>you.  Your comments and opinions are greatly appreciated.
>Herb - KG6OK
Hi Herb,
I'm an happy owner of Alpha87a. I purchased it on 1992 and I waited 9
months to have it delivered. Since then it gave me few problems. If you are
around contesting, I can assure you it could be the amplifier for you.
Since then my contest category has been always ASSISTED as with packet
cluster it is a fun to operate. You can grab a spot and, believe me, in 10
seconds, change band, work mult and back agn where you were managing pile
up before, all these just in the time of lighting a cigarette....hi. With
CT, the system becomes a killer machine!
Different about the support. My 87a has been plagued by a bug that
prevented me switching automatically on 40 meter. For 3 long years I
phoned, sent fax, Wrote letters to Dick asking for the fix but his reply
was always"OK I SEND YOU", but anything never came by him.
BUT... :-)))))))  when ALPHA POWER met DAVE the things changed immediately.
I sent him an E-mail and in few week the fix was found on my mail account:
just 2 lines of software code to input by keyboard fixed the problem, hope
for ever.
Support now is great: if you sent them a question, a doubt, replies always
come back within days.
They have also the DAS, Digital Antennas Selector, but I would not feel
suggesting you: it handles only ONE antenna per band if in automatic mode,
BUT, it seems from a their E-mail, a new DAS will born soon. Personally I
shall wait for newer version.
hope this help
THIS MESSAGE WAS SENT BY:         (.)(.)                    
Sante Lillo, IK0HBN                   | Home  telephone: +39-761-407543 
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01030 Bassano in Teverina (VT) Italy  | Cell. telephone: +39-338-6825052
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