A.AIMETTE w2ox@fast.net
Sun, 16 Nov 1997 14:10:27 -0500

I have been using a variety of amplifiers and have some questions which
have been bothering me for years.  I have spoken to many experts and 
perhaps the members of this reflector can help/explain!!!!!

Question 1:  Whya are some amplifiers so easy to tune with swr of 2-3and 
others are real bears?  Example:  I have two(2) LK55o, 3 tube 3-500z 
amps which eat up swr of 2-3 and are trivial to switch bands es tune
over a reasable bandwidth, ie the cw portion or the ssb portion of the
bands.  Measured forward power =1800w reflecdted power =300watts (Bird
non peak measuring unit with 2500w  insert).  The same thing happens 
with a MLA2500 at v47kp.  No problem tuning and switching bands quickly.
A Commander 2500 was a real bear to tune!!!Changing bands etc was very
difficult and the bandwith for the tuning was narrow.

question2:  It is my understandiung that the net output power as I 
reported above ie 1800 fwd, 300w ref (birdetc) is 1500 watts? Correct
or not??

I have other questions but these are good for starters.
Any help is appreciated.

w2ox/v47kp  alex

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