[AMPS] 14/28V PS for sale

Richard L. King k5na@bga.com
Thu, 20 Nov 1997 13:58:11

I had a phone call from one of the local "good ole boys" asking me to come
over and look at some electronic equipment. It seems this guy had bought
something at an auction and it turned out to not be what he thought he was
buying. He remembered that I was into electronics since he was the one that
dug my tower holes with his big backhoe.

What he has is three (3) government surplus power supplies. Each supply has
115 or 230 single phase input with either 14V @ 100 amps or 28V @ 50 amps
output. I don't know if the output is regulated or not. Each unit has two
meters to monitor the output, one for voltage and the other for amps. All
the meters seem to be OK (no cracks or breaks) and the cases seem to be in
fairly good shape with some rust showing here and there.

These babies are heavy, probably being 80 to 100 pounds apiece. The guy
says he will take $50 dollars apiece for them and if you want all three, he
will let all of them go for $100. If they work OK, one unit might be big
enough to power a solid state amplifier to 800W+ output.

His name is Mike Morrow and his telephone number is 512-272-5991. I live
close to him and I would be willing to take someone over and introduce you
if you are interested in the units. I would suggest taking a long extension
cord with you and a loading device to test the units before buying. Mike is
willing for you to test the units before you buy them.

Mike lives near me which is northeast of Austin, Texas and I doubt he would
be interested in shipping the units; but you never know. So it would
probably be a pick-up only. It might be a real good deal for somebody.

73, Richard

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