[AMPS] Henry 2K No Hi voltage

STAN KB8JLV@worldnet.att.net
Tue, 25 Nov 1997 16:48:20 -1000

Hello all. Last night I powered up my 2K (seperate power supply and
desktop unit ser# 68). All was well for about 5 minutes when I heard 2
loud bangs accompanied by 2 flashes from the power supply. I was not
transmiting at the time. Now I get no HI voltage light or grid light.
The tubes light up just as bright as ever but the Hi Voltage relays
don't click in. I've checked all the fuses including the big Hi voltage
fuse. I can see no evidence of arcing with the possible exception of one
of the 3b28 tubes. It looks a little burned inside near the base. Do
these tubes age or fail in this manner? Or is there another problem that
is not visible? Any thoughts or suggestions? stan

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