[AMPS] Re: resistance

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Wed, 26 Nov 97 14:34:28 -0800

>> From:          "George T. Daughters" <gdaught6@pobox2.stanford.edu>
>> it is perhaps important to note that an increase in the resistance of 
>> a composition resistor (or a film resistor, too) can increase when 
>> the resistor gets too hot.  (rich has said this, too.)  it doesn't 
>> have to be so hot that it bakes the color bands to new colors.  the 
>> point i want to convey is that it doesn't *have* to be a parasitic 
>> oscillation that causes this change.  i've seen resistors in dc power 
>> supplies increase by a factor of 3 or 4 by chronic overheating, but no 
>> smoke was emitted.
>> 73,
>> George T. Daughters, K6GT
>A good saleman never admits anything other than his product or 
>"invention" could be a cure for all ills. The goal is to sell 
>suppressor kits, not help people understand how things work and why 
>things really fail.
>Most carbon resistors age and change value when exposed to heat, 
>unless they are used in an amplifier. Then suddenly the rule 
>Carl, you, I and a hundred others know changes. Only a parasitic can 
>make them age off value, according to ONE guy.
>73, Tom W8JI
To see if Mr. Rauch is right regarding this matter, try reading the 
Price/Info sheet on Rich's Web site.  

R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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