[AMPS] Henry 2K-3 - thanks

PAUL M. PLAYFORD aef8w@aztec.asu.edu
Wed, 01 Oct 1997 09:56:57 -0700 (MST)

Thanks all for the tips on retrieving the 2K-3 from storage.  I finally
wound up powering up the amplifier without tubes for an hour.  I tried
running it on 110 volts (it's wired for 220) but the power on relay
wouldn't operate (it normally is wired from one side of the 220 to the
neutral).  So I just fired it up on the 220.

After the hour I installed the tubes and 'cooked' them for two hours
without the high voltage.  Then I connected the high voltage and it
does work but I have other problems with the amplifier now.  Fun and
Games time.

de Paul

Paul Playford, W8AEF                      twisted pair:    602/580-0015
35639 North 3rd Street                    packet:  W8AEF@KC7Y.AZ.USA.NA
Phoenix, AZ  85027-7405                   internet: aef8w@aztec.asu.edu

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