[AMPS] The Emtron DX2 amp: A 50ohm 50 Watt resistor in B+?

Phil Clements philk5pc@connect.net
Fri, 17 Oct 1997 00:28:35 -0500

 at 10:00 PM 10/16/97 -0700, you wrote:
>I question the resoning on a high value such as the 50ohm 50 Watt
>resistor in their amp. Seems a little off to me.

That is Svetlana's recommended value for that tube.
You never want this resistor to open during an event.
10 ohms is ok up to about 3 kv. I am running 20 ohms
on my Alpha 77SX with good results.

Phil, K5PC

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