[AMPS] Heath SB-230

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Mon, 1 Sep 97 11:06:50 -0800

>So now I see a lot of big bang warnings about the SB-230 posted. Since I
>have a virgin factory built unit that I've been using only on 40 meters
>with no problems, I'd like to know what the story is with the amps'
... ... snip...
 The 8873 is a high UHF-gain triode.  
RE:  the story:  - Couple a dipmeter to either side of the SB-230's  DC 
blocking capacitor and observe the anode circuit resonance  near150MHz.  
Is the dip sharp?  If the dipmeter has the capability, tune higher and 
you will find another resonance that is well within the 500MHz for 
amplifier or oscillator service rating of the 8873. 

R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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