[AMPS] SB-220 failure
Rich Measures
Mon, 1 Sep 97 20:43:20 -0800
>>>Replace the bad tube and repair the damage. Anything you do to the
>>>suppressor won't make a bit of difference, except add $29.95
>>>to the California economy. :-)
>>The price of the suppressor retrofit kit is $14.50. So, doing things to
>>the suppressor won't make a bit of difference?
>Let's face it. Selling suppressor kits at $14.50 in a very limited
>market-demand environment isn't going to make anyone wealthy.
I don't do it for the money, Paul, because I am already Rich.
>A few years ago you were railroaded by a "lynch-mob," some of whom couldn't
>stand that the theory to which their amplifiers rested was either faulty or
OTOH, the statement from one of the wannabe lynchers, uncleverly
declaring himself to be one of our recognized experts in the amplifier
community, really made my day. I was also amused by the statement about
VHF current not flowing in a 'coil' because inductive reactance increases
with frequency.
>Nevertheless, there was no reason for any of them to feel shame for
>their previous work or for their (mis-)understanding of amplifiers.
>Instead, they perceived that you were telling them their kid was "ugly."
The insides of a gold-sputtered 8877 are ugly, Paul.
>I've always wanted to know: What do (did) any of the "contributors" know
>that Eimac's engineers don't who work in state-of-the-art laboratories with
>their very own vacuum tubes on a daily basis?
Beats me. . . In February of 1986, a conversation with an employee at
Eimac convinced me that an VHF or UHF oscillation condition caused fatal
gold-sputtering damage to a pair of 8875s that I sent in for evaluation.
I asked him if there were any Eimac Engineering Bulletins about improving
VHF/UHF stability. He said there were not, and essentially that such
matters were the responsibility of amplifier designers, not tube
- As I recall, Lou Pasteur angered some doctors when he said that it
might be a good idea for surgeons to wash their hands before cutting.
R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K
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