[AMPS] 8877 Parasitic Suppression Requirements
Phil Clements
Wed, 03 Sep 1997 14:18:57 -0500
At 01:40 PM 9/3/97 -0500, you wrote:
>It is my understanding that the 8877 is such an excellently
>stable tube that it does not require any form of parasitic
>suppressor... when used by itself.....(certainly my AL-1500
>doesn't employ any parasitic suppressor) however, I am interested
>in that event in which there are two of them in parallel. Does
>that situation require a parasitic suppessor for each of them
>to keep the "loop" between the two plates from forming a VHF or
>UHF "tuned plate" situation? Please color me curious.
>Thanks for any information.
>Rod, N5HV
Hi Rod,
Not true at all. You are playing Russian Roulette with that AL-1500.
The layout has a lot to do with Ameritron getting by without a suppressor.
All transmitting tubes known to man require their own parasitic suppressor
whether single or paralleled. Another reason for using one for each tube is
so that the resistor will not get too hot on 10 meters.
Phil, K5PC
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