[AMPS] Linear with 4CX800A

w8jitom@postoffice.worldnet.att.net w8jitom@postoffice.worldnet.att.net
Mon, 8 Sep 1997 08:27:35 +0000

> From:          KR4DAGRIP@aol.com
> Date:          Sun, 7 Sep 97 16:21:19 +0000

> Hi Tom,
> But what/which AMP would you pick from the QST article as it
> is written on that bases alone?

The article by W6RF in Com Quart was technically excellent, 
except for the attack time constant error in the auto bias system.

I do not think amplifiers should be designed that are driven 
by a few watts unless you own an exciter that ONLY puts out a few 
watts. Low drive power requirements cause many needless problems 
for operators. (The problem is easily cured with the addition of 
one extra low cost resistor, as I pointed out.)

Before I can answer any questions about any other article, I'd have 
to know what you'd want to build. W6FR's was the best one on grid 
driven PA's in a long while, since that was the topic.

Is there a lot of interest in a detailed article that describes WHY 
certain parts are chosen? If so, what tubes and configuration would 
be the most popular?

Perhaps Ian could suggest something from overseas, he is a very 
thoughtful person when it comes to good designs and a technical 

73, Tom W8JI

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