Jim Henderson jhenders@zianet.com
Mon, 08 Sep 1997 12:43:48 +0000

Esteemed Reflectees:

        Don't see much commentary on the L-4B, but mine just cratered. Was
in standby when a crack and long fizzle sound came out of the RF section.
The grid resistor opened up, and the meter needle pinned to the left
(minimum) direction. 

        I happened to be looking right at the RF section when this happened,
and saw no arc or tube glow. Anybody know if this is a common failure mode?
Since the tubes were biased off at the time, parasitics don't seem likely,
and I ohmed the tubes and see no shorts.

        I had a diode stack go out on this unit once, but never had a RF
section pronlem in the 12 years I've had this amp.

73 de Jim, KF7E

Jim Henderson


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