Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Tue, 9 Sep 97 10:05:31 -0800

>> To:            amps@contesting.com
>> Date:          Mon, 8 Sep 97 12:43:48 +0000
>>         Don't see much commentary on the L-4B, but mine just cratered. Was
>> in standby when a crack and long fizzle sound came out of the RF section.
>> The grid resistor opened up, and the meter needle pinned to the left
>> (minimum) direction. 
>Most likely a tube arced internally Jim, although it's tough to say 
>for sure.
Nah, it's easy.  Check the tube with a high-pot. tester in a dark room.  
If the insides glow blue at 3kV, a gas arc is definitely a possibility. 
If the tube has a normal vacuum, the leakage will be under 10uA at 8kV.  


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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