[AMPS] suppressors

Peter Chadwick Peter.Chadwick@gpsemi.com
Wed, 10 Sep 1997 10:27:12 +0100


>The (voltage-amplification) gain formula only works with the parallel 
>load on the anode, which is a quantity far-removed from what one sees
>the Ls/Rs suppressor.

Any two terminal network can be described at any frequency except zero
in terms of either its impedance in terms of R series and X series, or R
parallel and X parallel. The choice between the two, and the use of
admittance rather than impedance, is merely to make the calculations

>However, the effect is only apparent after one does the somewhat 
>labor-intensive calculations necessary to arrive at Rp. ... ...  "Sums"

>these are not, Peter.  

'Sums' is a term with a wide range of meanings, Rich........there are
those who consider solving simultaneous second order differential
equations as 'doing sums'. I felt that, compared with my usual work,
these calculations were not unusually difficult or labor intensive. For
a really difficult one, try differentiating Nielsen's equation for noise
in atransistor to find the optimum source impedance for minimum noise


Peter G3RZP

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