[AMPS] RE:two questions

w8jitom@postoffice.worldnet.att.net w8jitom@postoffice.worldnet.att.net
Wed, 10 Sep 1997 08:45:27 +0000

> From:          Rich Measures <measures@vc.net>
> Date:          Wed, 10 Sep 97 09:19:51 +0000

> >System Q can be calculated from the parallel impedance ...
> 'parallel impedance'?  In the Rauchian World, apparently yes.  In the 
> rest of the universe, its parallel admittance.  .  

Rich, you probably are stuck in a quagmire of understanding how 
things "work" because you, like your east coast twin, spend more 
time looking for ways to insult people than to understand 
how they really work.

Insulting and attacking people is a good tactic, most of us don't 
like to engage in conversation with nasty people, but unfortunately 
I believe much of your advice is bad advice. I really wish you and 
Carl would hold back on your constant personal insults, and discuss 
things like mature adults. With that in mind:

It is the impedance of suppressor as a two terminal device that is 
important. Since the inductor is in parallel with the resistor, we 
are interested in the impedance of those two parallel components.
> >... value of the 
> >suppressor components, and the knowledge of the rest of the system's 
> >impedance.
> Wes, N7WS,  did not do this.  

But I did, and I'm sure many others have. In a Ten Tech Titan, your 
suggested suppressors INCREASED VHF Q over the stock suppressor.

> RE:  "...although the stock suppressor does lower SYSTEM Q at VHF 
> slightly more than the nichrome replacement." 

The key word is SYSTEM Rich. That's why I made the type large, so you 
would notice it.
> - .According to Wes' measurements, the resistance-wire (nichrome) 
> suppressor had a Q of 0.8 at 150MHz, and the 'conventional' W8JI 
> copper-wire suppressor had a Q of 1.3 at 150MHz.  How does adding a 
> higher Q suppressor lower the 'System Q' more? 

That is true for the suppressor  sitting alone on a table.  There is 
a great difference when it is combined in a larger system. Please 
read my comments to Bill about the series and parallel 
equivalent impedances.
>  Apparently, in the Rauchian World, things are not always what they seem 
> to be.  

Always the charmer.

73, Tom W8JI

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