[AMPS] Bulletproof

George T. Daughters gdaught6@leland.Stanford.EDU
Fri, 12 Sep 1997 02:11:11 +0800

hi rich et al.,

rich wrote:

> Interesting.  Very interesting.  -  -  I'm wondering why the guy in 
> Wisconsin told me that there's an inductor in series with the GTR when 
> there obviously  isn't? ... ... ...  Some people tell the truth and other 
> people do not.  
> -  So far, I have seen such circuit only once -  -  from the U.S. 
> distributor of Svetlana tubes - which raised my eyebrows when I saw it.  

once again, it's probably ambiguity in communications.  there isn't 
an inductor in series with the GTR, exactly.  there's a pi network 
from the input terminal with the following: a shunt capacitor to 
ground, *series* inductor, and the input capacitance of the tubes is 
the output cap of the pi.  the GTR goes to RF ground , but there is 
no series inductance in that leg.  

at least that's what was shown in the set of 91-beta schematics i 
perused at dayton.

73, k6gt

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