[AMPS] The Blues

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Sun, 14 Sep 97 07:28:27 -0800

>My ancient 4-400 GG homebrew amp is nearly ready for HV tests after 
>extensive modification and checkout. Am running the filaments tonight for 
>the first extended test with the blower in place. Both 4-400s are from RCA 
>and the ages are unknown. One has a bluish/green glow when viewed from the 
>top of the tube. The last time I saw such a color was on my old 866 
>rectifiers. I checked the filament voltage on one tube (each has its own 
>transformer) and measured 5.0 V. for 120 VAC in.
>Fatal flaw?
Yes.  A leaky glass-to-metal seal. Kaputsville.

R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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