David O. Hachadorian k6ll@juno.com
Mon, 22 Sep 1997 11:26:26 EDT

On Tue, 23 Sep 1997 07:31:11 -0700 "Lane C. Zeitler" <km3g@cts.com>

>Anyone have experience with the Autek RF Analyst? Still looking for 
>recommended device to find unknown values of L and C. RF-1 looks a bit 
>diverse than the MFJ product.

The Autek measures Z, and, if you press the C or L button,
it will solve the appropriate reactance equation for you.
It does not know whether you have the leads connected to a
resistor, capacitor or inductor. It only measures Z, and
does the algebra for you just as a calculator would. You
select the correct reactance formula by manually pushing
the C or L button. If you have a pure resistance connected,
and push the C or L button, it will indicate C or L values
with reactance equal to the connected resistor.

Autek will sell you a manual for $3.

Dave Hachadorian, K6LL

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