Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Mon, 22 Sep 97 19:13:44 -0800

>That's  K4AUW Dennis.  Glad you are back up and running.
>On Mon, 22 Sep 1997 07:16:42 -0400 CATALANO_DENIS_E@hq.navsea.navy.mil
>>     I have finally got the Centurion working again.  Thanks to all 
>>for the trouble shooting suggestions.  KA4AUW (Ron) gets the prize.  He 
>>was right on saying it probably is the HV transformer followed by one leg 
>> of the diodes.  That's exactly what it was.  The primaries of the 
>> transformer had continuity, and 5 diodes were bad.  What went first, 
>> and what caused it, is a mystery to me.  
Mysterious indeed.  Diodes don't usually fail when a transformer develops 
a short across its secondary.  
>>Tentec seems to think a 
>>line surge or lightning strike was the cause.  There was no visible 
>> physical damage, nor was anything else fried.  
A lightning strike usually damages the HV electrolytic filter capacitors. 
-  I have heard about HV transformer failures occuring in some models of 
Henry amplifiers during a HV arc to ground.  None of these amplifiers use 
a 'glitch' R in the positive HV circuit to limit fault current.  However, 
the Centurion uses a 10 ohm 25w 'glitch' resistor. The plot thickens.  I 
don't buy the lighning 'explanation' because there would have been 
peripheral evidence of such. 
-  I would be inclined to inspect:
1.   the safety vents of the electrolytic filter capacitors.
2.   the glass coating on the glitch resistor.   
-  I would be inclined to measure:
1.  the resistance of the VHF suppressor resistors.
2.  the grid/filament withstanding V at 3 - 5uA of leakage.
3.  the resistance of the glitch resistor.  

R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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